Our central model of Holistic Intelligence™ lies at the heart of all our work

Experience has taught us that development is multidimensional, demanding that we draw on all our intelligences.  Sustainable leadership for the future calls us to deepen each of these four capacities.  Inertia in any one capacity undermines the effectiveness of the remaining three.  Do your recognise the impact of this in your organisation?

  • Intellectually clever leaders with hugely practical technical expertise who are unaware their impact of people?
  • Emotionally intelligent leaders without the practically to apply this operationally
  • Inspiring leaders who motivate others yet fail to bring their enthusiasm and ideas into reality
  • Technically sound experts who lack the inspiration to energise and engage their people 

At the heart of all that we do is leadership development that's alive, creative and aware. Whether it's our approach to Coaching & Mentoring, our design of Team or Group Facilitation or Leadership Programmes we draw on this holistic model. 

 We developed and trademarked this model as a hallmark of our approach to  developing Spirited Leadership.

holistic intelligence